Articles on: Ad posts

Ad Posts Search

Ad posts are a large catalog of publications that include mentions of Instagram profiles.

You can use this feature to search for all mentions of your brand, analyze influencers’ profiles for sponsored content, or monitor your competition’s promotional activity.

In this article, we’ll elaborate on each item available on the menu:

Allows searching ad posts based on certain words. For example, you can look for bloggers who mentioned the words “handbag”, “handbags” in their sponsored content.
Do not search in hashtags.
Allows ignoring hashtags during your search. Let’s say you are using the keyword Adidas. There is a massive number of Adidas hashtags on the platform used even when they are not strictly necessary.
The option to ignore hashtags solves this issue. 
You can search ad posts within a certain profile. We recommend that you always use this option when checking an influencer’s account to see who they collaborated with previously.
Mentioned account.
The service will search all publications in which a certain account was mentioned. It’s very useful when you want to see who your competitors advertise with and who mentioned your profile in their posts. 
CTA link
Search by CTA links in Stories. For example, you want to see which influencers posted a link to your competitor, To do this, you type “” in this field.
Search by a blogger’s location.
The language a blogger uses.
Number of followers.
The number of followers those who mention your keywords have.
For example, you are searching bloggers who mentioned your competitors but there are too many mentions. You can filter out smaller bloggers by choosing the “1M” option in the drop-down menu.
This is a great way to filter your search results by narrowing them down to certain types of influencers. 
Number of comments.
Refers to the number of comments for the publications that include mentions and not the average general number of comments for a certain blogger. Usually, ad posts garner fewer comments than regular publications. 
Number of likes.
Refers to the number of likes for the publications that include mentions and not the average general number of likes for a certain blogger. The option is similar to the previous one.
Number of views.
Refers to the views of video publications that include mentions. 
Post type.
A post, a video, or a Story.
Post date.
Use this option to narrow down your search to a certain period. 

As we mentioned earlier, you can use this to search for all mentions of your brand, check influencers’ profile for sponsored content, or monitor your competition’s promotional activity.

Let's consider an example of how we use the "Mentioned Account" filter.

Suppose we have a business related to the sale of sports clothing and accessories. We want to research our competitors and find out who they collaborate with for advertising their products.

Let's see who mentioned @underarmour.
To do this, we need to enter the influencer's name in the Mentioned Account field and click the Search button.

The service starts the search and analyzes all the publications where the account "underarmour" was mentioned.
Great! We found over 5k posts. There's a lot of work ahead.
Now you can choose the sorting type to display the posts.

Next, we can perform quick actions with the posts that interest us:
- Account's report: Go to the report for the account whose post we are viewing.
- Add to Favourites: Add the account to the Favourites list.
- This account mentioned: See posts where this account was mentioned.
- View this post on Instagram.

By clicking the Read more button, you can view the full description of the post.
This is especially useful if there is a lot of text, and you prefer not to open the post on Instagram.

Clicking the mentions button allows you to see a list of all accounts mentioned in the post and access quick actions again.

Thus, using the Mentioned Account filter, we can more precisely study our competitors' advertising activities and identify potential partners for our own business.
This enables us to make more informed decisions and improve our marketing strategies.

Now, let's take a look at how the "Influencer" filter works.

For example, we have chosen an influencer to advertise our clothing brand.
Let's see how their promotional creatives look and how frequently the influencer posts them. To do this, let's work with the filter a bit.

We enter the influencer's name in the "Influencer" field.

We can then apply additional filters to narrow down the search, such as selecting specific post types (e.g., video posts) or setting a time range for recent campaigns.

After applying the desired filters, we click the Search button.

The service will provide us with a list of posts, and now we can examine each post to obtain detailed information about the advertising campaign, including the post's content, accompanying photos or videos, as well as other mentioned accounts or brands.

Thank you for your attention, and I hope our material was helpful to you!

Try it!

Updated on: 13/08/2024

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