2023-02-14. Ad post library and Premium filters updates
Now you can get more results using Ad post and Discovery sections.
Ad posts is a huge catalog of posts with mentions. Our customers use it to:
check influencer collaboration history and friends,
find brands that collaborate with influencers,
search for influencers who promote in a certain niche,
get examples of promotions.
In this release we've updated this library + updated algorithms to replenish it.
So now you can get more posts.
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These filters are used for search by audience.

In this release we improved city recognition algorithms, that's why now you'll get more results using this feature for influencer discovery.
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Ad posts library update
Ad posts is a huge catalog of posts with mentions. Our customers use it to:
check influencer collaboration history and friends,
find brands that collaborate with influencers,
search for influencers who promote in a certain niche,
get examples of promotions.

So now you can get more posts.
Try it
Premium filters update
These filters are used for search by audience.

In this release we improved city recognition algorithms, that's why now you'll get more results using this feature for influencer discovery.
Try it
Updated on: 22/08/2023
Thank you!