2023-07-14. Pagination improvements
Exciting news for our valued customers who regularly search through hundreds of influencers in our platform!

We've taken your feedback to heart and have revamped our pagination in the search section, making it more user-friendly and efficient:
Customize your view: You now have the flexibility to choose the number of search results you'd like to view per page. Tailor it to your needs, view more to get a wider perspective, or less to focus on the specifics.
Jump to a page: Lost in numerous pages? Not anymore. Our new feature allows you to hop directly to a specific page of your search. You'll find and view your desired accounts quicker and more efficiently, saving you time on unnecessary clicks.
Your voice matters to us and this improvement is a testament to that.
We encourage you to continue sharing your ideas and feedback with us because we're in this together. Thank you for helping us make our platform better!

We've taken your feedback to heart and have revamped our pagination in the search section, making it more user-friendly and efficient:
Customize your view: You now have the flexibility to choose the number of search results you'd like to view per page. Tailor it to your needs, view more to get a wider perspective, or less to focus on the specifics.
Jump to a page: Lost in numerous pages? Not anymore. Our new feature allows you to hop directly to a specific page of your search. You'll find and view your desired accounts quicker and more efficiently, saving you time on unnecessary clicks.
Your voice matters to us and this improvement is a testament to that.
We encourage you to continue sharing your ideas and feedback with us because we're in this together. Thank you for helping us make our platform better!
Updated on: 28/01/2024
Thank you!