Articles on: Release Notes

2023-09-17. Report 2.0

What's New?

Analytics Report 2.0!
We've added several new features to the report, making this update one of the most significant ever:

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New Features
Enhanced AQS
- Now you can see audience authenticity score, engagement rate, subscriber growth, and comment activity.

AI Influencer Check
- We use AI to check influencer values and beliefs, expertise and niches, target audience age and income, tone and sentiments analysis, and more.

ER and Other Metrics Evaluation
- Now you can see the engagement rate evaluation based on the size of the account and its niche. For example, an account may have a good ER among all accounts but be average for its niche.
- This helps explore new niches and find influencers suitable for your campaigns.

Advanced Content Analysis
- There were several metrics that we and our clients used to calculate manually. Now they are available in the reports.
- The view rate coefficient helps understand how much the audience likes an influencer's content. The comments coefficient shows how many comments an account has per 100 likes.
- All features are available for all new or updated reports.
- AI Check is available for all subscriptions. The advanced version with 13 fields is available for Pro/Advance.


This chart displays 2 metrics:
Average share

Perhaps one of the most accurate indicators of post utility. If a post is shared in stories, or sent to friends, it's valuable and interesting.

A high number of reposts means that users are sharing these posts in their accounts or sending them to their friends.

Share-to-follower shows how many reposts the content receives per 1,000 followers. This is a convenient way to compare the usefulness of content from different bloggers.

Try it out

Updated on: 25/07/2024

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