Number of unique followers
A unique follower is an individual user that follows at least one of the auditable accounts. The number of unique followers shows the total number of individual users you’ll reach during your marketing campaign in case you decide to advertise with the influencers on the list. Example Blogger @petersmith has 10, 000 followers. Another blogger, @ianrichards, has 20, 000 followers. The overlap between their audiences is 1000 followers. These 1k followers will be included in our report becFeaturedAudience Overlap
Here you can learn how audiences of influencers overlap. Why do you need to know audience overlap? There can be two major goals for a marketing campaign: To reach as many people as possible. To connect with a potentional customers as much as possible. For example, if you launch a new product, reach is extremely important (you want as many people as possible to hear about it). But if our brand is well-known, you’d want your target customers to learn about your offers from as many iFeaturedThe overlap size
The number of users that follow all profiles on the list. If you want to estimate the audience overlap for 5 accounts, there’s a good chance the overlap size will be quite small. This is due to the fact that if there is a single influencer with a unique audience, it’s likely it won’t overlap with other influencers’ audiences. For example, if your list includes 1 Australian blogger and 4 influencers from United Kingdom, there will be very little overlap between the former and the latter. WeFeaturedCountries
Shows locations of a blogger’s followers. This is one of the main reasons for the lack of audience overlap (or absence thereof). But if your marketing campaign targets potential customers from a specific country, this information might be important to you.FeaturedTop Options
If you’ve chosen 5 influencer profiles for audience overlap check, we’ll show you the top options for 2, 3, and 4 profiles on the list. This will help you to leave certain bloggers out of your marketing campaign based on your goals: choose top audience overlap options if what you need is enhanced connection with your potential customers choose top unique audience options if you want maximum reach. Top options summary Let’s say you want influencers to remind your target audience aFeaturedTotal Reach
The total number of all followers of accounts we checked to estimate the audience overlap.FeaturedOverlap matrix
The matrix shows how each blogger’s audience overlaps with every other blogger’s on the auditable list.Featured