Followers growth. Tracking
The followers growth graph consists of two parts: total and new. The total cumulative part of graph (orange line) shows how the account is growing. If the growth is smooth, it is most likely organic growth. If the account suddenly gained subscribers, and then began to lose quickly, this is a giveaway. The new part of graph is the sum of new followers and unfolllowers for this day. We uFeaturedEngagement Rate tracking
This graph shows daily changes in influencer's Engagement Rate. It should vary day by day like ± 2 percentage points. For example, from 3 to 6% or from 12 tо 16%. It's a totally normal situation because the influencer's audience engages more or less depending on the post. If the influencer has a stable ER it could mean fake likes.FeaturedPost time analysis
You could see the most engaging time and day of a week. Posts in the dark blue cells are more engaging. We recommend using a wide date range to see more results.FeaturedFollowings growth. Tracking
The graph shows following behaviour of influencer and helps to see "incentivized following" patterns.FeaturedMentions impact
You see the influencer's followers daily growth and number of mentions from other accounts. Click on this number and find out usernames or let us show you all posts in Ads Posts. These mentions could be an advertisement or photographer sign. Any mention could give followers growth in the day of mention or the day after.FeaturedLikes and comments
Here you could compare posts by likes and comments. This graph shows the most engaging content.FeaturedPost frequency
There are two sections in this graph and they show different data. Total section (line) - shows the daily total number of posts. So if the influencer deletes some posts this number will decrease. New section (bars) - shows only new posts today. So you could see find our posts frequency.FeaturedAd Efficience
This graph shows the impact of this influencer mention on followers growth of the mentioned account. Red line shows the day of mention. Numbers in red and blue squares show numbers of mentions. So you know if any other mentions caused followers growth.FeaturedTracking FAQ
There are 2 types of accounts on the main tracking page: Accounts added by you Demo accounts added by us free of charge (all data is real and provided as an example). By default, here is the data by the last day. On the tracking page of a specific account – 31 days by default. How often the data is updated? Once a day, at least. But there could be more due to our algorithms. What accounts can I add to tracking? Copy link Any open account with 1000 followers and more. YFeaturedHashtags tracking
The graph shows hashtags usage by influencer. It helps to find out which hashtags engage more people. You could sort hashtags by likes, comments, Engagement Rate and post counts.FeaturedThe dotted line in graphs
What does the dotted line mean? Once you start tracking a profile, we start collecting data on a daily basis. But the service also collected some data for the previous year. So when you check a profile, you get quite a lot of stats. In case we haven’t been able to collect data on one of the days, that gap in information will be displayed as a dotted line. Any follower growth during this period of time will be calculated by dividing the value by the number of days in the gap period. For eFeatured